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My Chiropractic Experience.


Updated: Aug 5, 2022

I just wanted to share my Chiropractic experience and how it’s helped me.

I had never even heard of a Chiropractor until University. I suffered from headaches almost weekly and thought it was just part of student living. It had been a problem in the past, but it was becoming more frequent and more intense. I was struggling some days. As we always do, I assumed it was just part of getting on and partly adjusting to a different lifestyle.

Megan Mason, Chiropractic Assistant and Co-Owner of Mason Family Chiropractic seated smiling towards the camera
Megan Mason

Luckily, my university included the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic, and I met some wonderful Chiropractors, (amongst them my future husband, I just didn’t know it then). After a little persuasion, I was invited to have an adjustment to help with the headaches. I didn’t know what to expect but he talked through all the stages. We discussed my overall health and habits and then he applied that to the problems I was having. We then did an assessment and examination, to see how I moved and how strong my limbs, my posture etc. (although this part is tailored to you and your issues). He answered my questions and helped me understand what it was that I needed to get better.

I had an adjustment which felt strange but good. It made a loud noise, but I was told to expect it, so I was prepared. We did some muscle work and adjustments along my back, as I had mentioned some stiffness. The results were great! My headache pain significantly reduced after the adjustment, and the next day, it was gone completely! Those usually took a day or two before I felt better.

I saw brilliant results after a couple of weeks. I had a few regular adjustments, and my headaches became less frequent and stopped occurring every week. I learnt that I was holding my head forward, so my posture was forcing my neck, and the muscles that connect to my head and neck, to work harder, hence the constant headaches. I learnt how to improve my posture, and to change certain habits that were aggravating the issue. Over time I noticed I was functioning better, and the exercises I was doing even helped prevent lower back issues that were beginning to occur. Adjustments work well for me, but there are other things they can do as well, such as acupuncture. Everything I was treated with was tailored to me and my needs.

Years on, I still get adjustments to keep things in check and my headaches are now a rare occurrence. If they do arise, nothing fixes my headaches, as well as a Chiropractic adjustment does. I would never have thought to try it and, not being familiar with it, I was sceptical at first. However, I have seen and felt the many benefits and I encourage you to just try it. Look here for more information on headaches and migraines.

If the Chiropractor doesn’t think they can help with your issues, they will tell you, but there is so much they can help you with that you don’t realise. It’s not just the standard things linked with the back, they can help with muscle pain, injuries, joint problems, trapped nerve type issues etc. Click here for some information on our most common issues (scroll down to 'How can we help').

So, if you’ve been suffering or just trying to ignore an issue that’s causing you pain, call up our local Ipswich Chiropractor! Take a step, let them show you what can help you and see the results for yourself. I promise it’ll be worth it.

Take care,


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