Franciscan House, 51 Princes Street, Ipswich, IP1 1UR T:01473 954817
Meet the Team
About Mykel Mason
I graduated in 2012 from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic based at the University of Glamorgan. I decided to become a Chiropractor due to the help I received, as a 15-year-old with low back pain. I was amazed by the difference it made and wanted to make that difference for other people. I spent much of my time there focusing on my studies and refining my skills; and working on my Welsh accent (that hasn’t improved much). I chose this university because it allowed me to study and interact with others on different courses and meet a range of people from all walks of life. It also happens to be where I met my wife!
Since graduating, I have worked in different chiropractic clinics around the UK and learnt different methods and treatments that can be used for various people and their issues. I have again enjoyed the opportunity to meet and help many wonderful and fascinating people. I have also undertaken various additional studies to improve my practice. Below I describe just a couple.
Acupuncture/Dry needling
Since studying medical acupuncture (also known as dry needling) I have used this very often. This process involves using very fine needles to promote healing by getting blood flow to restricted areas. This is a very common problem especially in those with muscle pain or muscle spasm. I have also found this beneficial in those with cervicogenic headache and migraine.
There can be slight soreness afterwards but this is generally very short lived.
Not everyone likes acupuncture though so, if this is not for you, please let me know and I will do something different.
Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)
SOT is a technique using light treatments to improve the function of the body to help the body to heal. We use triangular wedges on the pelvis along with gravity to reduce pressure in certain areas. This can be a very useful technique with those who do not like the chiropractic adjustments that we do. I have found this very useful during pregnancy also as it can help the function of the pelvis.

In his Free Time
As well as having a passion for helping people, I am also very keen on sports and activity. I enjoy watching and participating in most sports. I’ve always enjoyed athletics and, once upon a time, I was quite adept at high jump.
Since I was eight years old I have practiced karate achieving my black belt at 15 years of age. This helped me greatly as a child. My teachers and members of my dojo taught me to channel all my energy into something positive. It taught me determination and perseverance, which have helped to shape my life and career into what it is today. I continue to practice still and hope to teach in Ipswich sometime soon. My wife also practices with me and achieved her black belt in 2022.
I am very close to my family, and I have moved to the area to be nearer to them. Board games are a must for us, and we can get very competitive. I’ve just been getting my in-laws into games, and now my mother-in-law keeps winning. Family is very important to me, and I am loving spending more time with my niece and nephew.
My wife and I were lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel a few years ago and I would still like to see a few more places as well.
I’ve always been passionate and ambitious, and I enjoy fixing complicated problems. I love being able to make positive changes.
About Megan Mason
I’m Megan, I work as a Clinical Assistant and co-owner of the clinic. My Chiropractic journey started after meeting and getting to know Chiropractic students at university. I had never come across it before and found it a wonderful solution for my increasing headache issues. Through it I found a solution of issues that I didn’t feel could be improved and found many friends, and a husband!
My speciality is working with people. I have worked with adults and children of all walks of life, through work teaching English as a foreign language, as a teaching assistant and in customer services. I joined the role of Clinical Assistant as temporary cover, but lockdown hit, and I felt I should continue to help. I found it very rewarding and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Understanding the intricacies of a busy working clinic, such as balancing a welcoming atmosphere with a professional working environment. Although, I will be a behind-the-scenes member of the team, I will be available to answer questions and help with any issues should they arise.
In terms of free time, I am exceptionally fond of chatting and getting to know people. As a language and literature student, I love books and I am always eager to discuss novels. I have loved getting back to the great outdoors and I’m enjoying exploring Suffolk, an area that’s was new to me when we moved.